South Africa's ANC on 40.27pc of vote with results from most polling stations

South Africa's ANC on 40.27pc of vote with results from most polling stations


South Africa's ANC on 40.27pc of vote with results from most polling stations

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JOHANNESBURG(Reuters) - South Africa's governing African National Congress (ANC) had 40.27 percent of the vote after the election commission released results from over 99 percent of polling stations on Saturday.

Earlier, it was predicted that South Africa’s ruling African National Congress party is set to fall short of a majority for the first time in 30 years after national elections this week, marking the biggest political shift in the country since the end of apartheid.

With counting nearly complete support for the ANC was at just over 40pc, a huge slump from the 57.5pc it received in the last election.

The official opposition party, the centrist Democratic Alliance (DA), had about 22pc of the vote.

Behind them were two ANC splinter parties: the newly formed uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MK), led by Zuma, had nearly 15pc of the vote, and the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) had nearly 10pc, data from the country’s electoral commission showed.

Fed-up voters dealt the party of Nelson Mandela a seismic blow at the polls after years of corruption scandals and economic mismanagement. As a result, the ANC will be forced to form a coalition to govern the world’s most unequal country.